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°ÄÃÅÁ«»¨¶Ä³ÇStudents Explore the Bronx Zoo

One of the Many Off-Campus Activities Available to Students

Author Tina M. Cortez ’26 is a Food Business Management major.

°ÄÃÅÁ«»¨¶Ä³Çis a lot more than just kitchen and academic classes. Students also have the chance to do both on- and off-campus activities. This past week the school took students to the Bronx Zoo.

The way this works is basically you pay just $20, and the school provides a bus ride to the location, which in this case was the Bronx Zoo! Afterwards, you have the freedom to go and explore wherever you want.

At the zoo, there was a huge variety of exhibits, from lemurs, fossas, peacocks, birds, and so many more. However, out of all the exhibits I’ve heard the Madagascar exhibit and the bird exhibit are the most captivating.

On top of that there is a huge variety of fun food—perfect for a bunch of culinary students exploring the zoo!

The funniest part about this entire trip was how easy it was to get lost. A friend of mine was so distracted by the bird exhibit that she couldn’t figure out how she got there and consequently almost couldn’t find the bus in time. When she finally got to the bus, she couldn’t stop laughing about her misadventure.

The moral of the story, at °ÄÃÅÁ«»¨¶Ä³Çthere are so many options for fun things to do outside of the kitchens and bake shops! Personally, my favorite ones are the ones that happen off campus. Most of the time you get to go to the city—without the hassle of taking the train—and get to do something fun with your friends. It’s a great deal, so take advantage of all of the opportunities!