
  • Tuition and Fees

  • 澳门莲花赌城鈥檚 Tuition and Fees

    Since the cost of attending the 澳门莲花赌城varies by campus and program, tuition and fees associated with each campus is listed below.

    For Specific Tuition and Fee Information, Select Your Campus/Location:

  • 2024鈥2025 Tuition Information

  • 2024鈥2025 Tuition and Fees鈥擜ssociate and Bachelor鈥檚 Degree Programs

    The tuition and fees listed below go into effect on July 1, 2024 for all degree programs at our Hyde Park, NY campus.

    Board/Meal Plan鈥擱esidential**#$2,325
    General Fee+$885
    Total per Semester$21,660

    * Full-time tuition is per semester, with each semester ranging from 12鈥18 credits.
    ** Board listed is the 澳门莲花赌城Meal Plan, which provides points equivalent to two meals per day on scheduled class days with flexible gold points that can be used throughout the semester.
    # Board for the semester in the junior or senior year when students in the Asian Cuisine or Mediterranean Cuisine concentration are studying in Singapore or Spain will be as follows: Singapore鈥$565, Spain鈥$695.
    + The general fee includes charges such as student activity, student support services, and exam fees.


    • An application fee of $50 will be charged.
    • A student orientation fee of $250 will be charged.
    • Students will be charged a fee in their entering semester for supplies and uniforms of $1,180. Students in the Culinary Science program will be charged a Uniform Fee of $160 when they register for Culinary Chemistry.
    • Health insurance will be included at a fee of $1,825, per year (may be waived, if eligible).
    • A graduation fee of $300 will be charged for all degrees conferred.
    • Students enrolled in the Asian Cuisine or Mediterranean Cuisine concentrations that are studying in Singapore or Spain will be charged a $3,050 International Concentration Fee.

    Residence Hall Rates

    On-campus housing is available to students at the New York campus. Rates per semester are as follows:

    New York Campus
    Single鈥擱esidence Hall$5,190
    Double or Quad鈥擱esidence Hall$4,575
    Triple鈥擱esidence Hall$3,860
    International Concentration Semester
    Single (Spain)$5,190
    Double (Spain)$4,575
    Single (Singapore)$5,190
    Double (Singapore)$4,795

    Fees That May Be Assessed

    Commuter parking fee, per semester$110
    Concentration late drop fee$400
    Internship ePortfolio resubmission fee$150
    Housing cancelation fee$250
    Late drop fee$350
    Late payment fee$150
    Late registration fee$150
    Life achievement portfolio application fee$750
    No-show fee鈥攑ractical and ServSafe exams$150
    Part-time and overload fees (per credit)*$1,230
    Re-registration for failure鈥攊nternship$200
    Retake鈥攑ractical and ServSafe exams$100

    * For students who take fewer than 12 credits or more than 18 credits

    Cost of Attendance (or Total Cost) is a sum of the Direct Costs of a college and Indirect Costs of attending college. Direct Costs are charges paid directly to the college, such as tuition and fees. Indirect Costs are costs that may be incurred by the student while attending college, such as books, meals, and personal expenses. Learn more about your actual costs with CIA鈥檚 .

    Cost of Attendance鈥擭ew York Campus, 2024鈥25

    2024鈥2025 Tuition and Fees Schedule鈥擜ssociate Degree Programs

    The tuition and fees listed below go into effect on July 1, 2024 for the associate degree programs at our St. Helena, CA campus.

    General Fee+$885
    Total per Semester$21,360

    * Full-time tuition is per semester, with each semester ranging from 12鈥18 credits.
    ** Board includes two meals per day on scheduled class days.
    + The general fee includes charges such as student activity, student support services, and exam fees.


    • An application fee of $50 will be charged.
    • A student orientation fee of $125 will be charged.
    • Associate degree students will be charged a fee in their entering semester for supplies and uniforms of $1,180.
    • Health insurance will be included at a fee of $1,825, per year (may be waived, if eligible).
    • A graduation fee of $300 will be charged for all degrees conferred.
    • In addition to the fees listed above, California residents, or students enrolled at the California campus, may be subject to a nonrefundable STRF fee. For students who enroll after April 1, 2024, the fee is $0.00 (zero cents) per $1,000 of institutional charges. The STRF rate is subject to change based on the balance in the STRF account.

    2024鈥2025 Tuition and Fees Schedule鈥擜CAP Program

    The tuition and fees listed below go into effect on July 1, 2024 for the certificate programs at our Napa, CA location.

    General Fee+$300
    Total per Semester$20,345

    * Full-time tuition is per semester, with each semester ranging from 12鈥18 credits.
    ** Board includes one meal per day on scheduled class days.
    + The general fee includes charges such as student activity, student support services, and exam fees.


    • An application fee of $50 will be charged.
    • First-semester supplies for ACAP students is $685.
    • Health insurance will be included at a fee of $1,825, per year (may be waived, if eligible).
    • A graduation fee of $300 will be charged for all certificates conferred.
    • In addition to the fees listed above, California residents, or students enrolled at the California campus, may be subject to a nonrefundable STRF fee. For students who enroll after April 1, 2024, the fee is $0.00 (zero cents) per $1,000 of institutional charges. The STRF rate is subject to change based on the balance in the STRF account.

    Residence Hall Rates

    On-campus housing is available to students at the California campus. Rates per semester are as follows:

    California Campus
    Single, private bath$5,805
    Triple or Quadruple$4,135

    Fees That May Be Assessed

    Commuter parking fee, per semester$110
    Concentration late drop fee$400
    Internship ePortfolio resubmission fee$150
    Housing cancelation fee$250
    Late drop fee$350
    Late payment fee$150
    Late registration fee$150
    Life achievement portfolio application fee$750
    No-show fee鈥攑ractical and ServSafe exams$150
    Part-time and overload fees (per credit)*$1,230
    Re-registration for failure鈥攊nternship$200
    Retake鈥攑ractical and ServSafe exams$100

    * For students who take fewer than 12 credits or more than 18 credits

    Cost of Attendance (or Total Cost) is a sum of the Direct Costs of a college and Indirect Costs of attending college. Direct Costs are charges paid directly to the college, such as tuition and fees. Indirect Costs are costs that may be incurred by the student while attending college, such as books, meals, and personal expenses. To learn more about your actual costs, check out the CIA鈥檚 .

    Cost of Attendance鈥擟alifornia Campus Associate Degree, 2024鈥25

    Cost of Attendance鈥擟alifornia Campus ACAP, 2024鈥25

    2024鈥2025 Tuition and Fees鈥擠egree Programs

    The tuition and fees listed below go into effect on July 1, 2024 for the associate degree programs at our San Antonio, TX campus.

    General Fee+$485
    Total per Semester$19,945

    * Full-time tuition is per semester, with each semester ranging from 12鈥18 credits.
    ** Board includes two meals per day on scheduled class days.
    + The general fee includes charges such as student activity, student support services, and exam fees.


    • An application fee of $50 will be charged.
    • A student orientation fee of $50 will be charged.
    • Associate degree students will be charged a fee in their entering semester for supplies and uniforms of $1,180.
    • Health insurance will be included at a fee of $1,825, per year (may be waived, if eligible).
    • A graduation fee of $300 will be charged for all degrees conferred.

    Fees That May Be Assessed

    Commuter parking fee, per semester$110
    Concentration late drop fee$400
    Internship ePortfolio resubmission fee$150
    Housing cancelation fee$250
    Late drop fee$350
    Late payment fee$150
    Late registration fee$150
    Life achievement portfolio application fee$750
    No-show fee鈥攑ractical and ServSafe exams$150
    Part-time and overload fees (per credit)*$1,230
    Re-registration for failure鈥攊nternship$200
    Retake鈥攑ractical and ServSafe exams$100

    * For students who take fewer than 12 credits or more than 18 credits

    Cost of Attendance (or Total Cost) is a sum of the Direct Costs of a college and Indirect Costs of attending college. Direct Costs are charges paid directly to the college, such as tuition and fees. Indirect Costs are costs that may be incurred by the student while attending college, such as books, meals, and personal expenses. To learn more about your actual costs, check out the CIA鈥檚 .

    Cost of Attendance鈥擳exas Campus, 2024鈥25

    2024鈥2025 Tuition and Fees

    The tuition and fees listed below go into effect on July 1, 2024.

    Tuition per credit$825
    Technology Fee per credit$45


    • This is a part-time program where students typically take 6鈥9 credits per semester.
    • An application fee of $75 will be charged.
    • A graduation fee of $300 will be charged for all degrees conferred.
    • View the program details.

    Cost of Attendance (or Total Cost) is a sum of the Direct Costs of a college and Indirect Costs of attending college. Direct Costs are charges paid directly to the college, such as tuition and fees. Indirect Costs are costs that may be incurred by the student while attending college, such as books, meals, and personal expenses. To learn more about your actual costs, check out the CIA鈥檚 .

    Cost of Attendance鈥擮nline Bachelor鈥檚 Degree, 2024鈥25

  • Need Help Funding Your Education?

    You may be surprised to learn that the 鈥渟ticker price鈥 of a 澳门莲花赌城education may be less than you think. Why? Financial aid can impact the amount of tuition actually paid. We always ask students to start the financial aid process early. Our goal is to make our degree programs as affordable as possible based on your need. Learn more about ways to pay for college >

    Every 澳门莲花赌城applicant is reviewed for merit aid.

    Find out how much you qualify for! Apply now >

  • Tuition Payment Options

    To help you manage educational expenses, the 澳门莲花赌城also offers two convenient payment options:

    • Our Tuition Installment Plan is an interest-free payment option that allows you to spread education expenses into equal monthly payments.
    • You can also pay online in full using your checking or savings account.

  • Contact Us

    Student Financial and Registration Services
    1946 Campus Drive
    Hyde Park, NY 12538-1499
  • Did You Know?

    澳门莲花赌城graduates join the food world鈥檚 most powerful alumni network with over 50,000 food industry leaders and change makers.
    Learn More